31 July 2006

aaaaaand... SHIFT

I'm in Maryland now! Burtonsville, specifically, for no longer than the end of the month, and then hopefully this groovy little apartment complex in Silver Spring that exists a couple blocks from the metro station and a couple more to Amy's office. That means not usin' cars for many days at a time, which means lower insurance rates (I hope) and no more $280 gasoline bills (at least until that sick black crap is $6/gallon). I am pleased, I think. I drove to the metro and metro'd to the bike shop, and at the end of the day metro'd back and ate at Lebanese Taverna because they have Monday half-price sandwich platters. $6 for my meal and $2 of that was tip. I flippin' love this place. Metro was $3.70 round-trip, while the estimated 24-mile-each-way trip from Burtonsville in a car would set me back easily double that in gasoline at $3.09/gallon. If any of you South Carolina folks are reading this, a) comment, dammit! and b) buy all the $2.88 gas you can because you don't know how good you've got it.

This has become an awfully money-centric post. So be it. I got nothin'.


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